In light of our current economy, making sure your money works hard for you is one of the best things to do this year. Here are some ways you can navigate your financial situation, keep tabs on where you are, and adjust if you need to. Shop for a higher return on savings. These days, every extra cent counts. That’s why it pays to look around for higher rates on savings accounts. Several places to check out are PNC (4.65 percent APY), Sofi (up to 4.4 percent APY), and American Express (4 percent APY). Here are a few others. Rates may increase even more withRead More →

The thrill of summer travel is always invigorating, but the prices to get there can be a real bummer. But not to fear. We’re here with some smart tips that will help you navigate in this price jungle and have a wonderful, memory-filled getaway. Plan Way Ahead Even though you can sometimes find great deals at the last minute, if you can wrap your head around thinking in advance about your vacay (especially if you’re buying long-haul flights), it’ll pay off. For instance, if you’re traveling to Europe or Asia, you’ll find that buying your tickets early not only provides significant savings, but also givesRead More →

Summer is here, and so are all the activities. But as we know, these activities cost money. Here are a few ways you can still have fun and, while doing so, save some cash. Look at Your Calendar Summer months are filled with holidays, birthdays, cookouts, weddings – the list goes on. Take a look and make an estimate of how much you want to spend on each event. When you can plan ahead and figure out your budget, you won’t be faced with surprise expenditures at the last minute. Nobody likes that. Go on a Spending Cleanse We’re not talking for months on endRead More →

Now that spring is here, it might be a great time to give your finances a fresh look. Here are a few key items to put on your May to-do list. Say Bye-Bye to PMI If you bought your home for less than 20 percent down, there’s a good chance you’ve been paying private mortgage insurance (aka PMI) on your loan, which is usually an extra 1 percent of what you paid. But here’s the good news: the rise in home prices over the past few years has meant one thing — a bump in your home equity. If your equity position is now atRead More →

It’s that time of year again: tax time. And while many of your money-saving options might be limited after Dec. 31, there’s still a lot you can do to help lower your taxes, save money and avoid penalties. Here’s a quick snapshot. Contribute to Your Retirement Accounts Yes, doing this will help lower your tax bill. So, if you haven’t already maxed out your contribution for 2022, you can still do so up until April 18 for a traditional IRA (deductible or not), and a Roth IRA. If you have a Keogh or Simplified Employment Pension Plan (SEP), you can apply for a tax filingRead More →

The idea of starting your own business is inherently romantic, if not exhilarating: You get to run the show, flesh out your ideas and live your dream. But where do you begin? Here are seven smart steps to get you started – and help improve your chances of success. Come Up With a Concept What’s your idea? Is it profitable and something you’re passionate about? Would others consider you an expert in this area and seek your advice? What kind of funding do you have? Will you partner with someone or go solo? When you can determine all of these things, then you’ll be offRead More →

So, we’re a month into 2023, and the sheen might’ve dulled from all your shiny New Year’s resolutions. Though diet and exercise are the top things you might want to change, there’s one you might not need to touch – your budget. Here’s a discussion about who does and doesn’t need to revamp their finances. Who Needs a New Budget? Budgets are always a good idea. They help you save money and pay off debt. But only a few folks need to create a new one. According to Annette Harris, founder of Harris Financial Coaching, you need a new budget if you are: Unable toRead More →

For the most part, New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep because many times you either list too many things or ones that aren’t manageable for the long haul – especially those that involve money. Here are a few simple tricks to help you make changes that are bite-sized, easy to implement, and more likely to stick. Do a five-minute daily money check-in. Life is so busy that sometimes it’s easy to just spend money, then move on to the next task at hand. You might think, “I’ll check my bank balance later,” and then you never do. But if you’re serious about getting aRead More →

Believe it or not, the year is coming to a close. If you want to finish strong and set attainable goals for 2023, here’s a handy, actionable checklist to help you navigate upcoming expenditures. Review Your Spending and Create a Budget This might seem like Finance 101, but it’s a tried and true method that works. Take a look back to see where your money went. When you’ve evaluated your patterns of spending, you can reset priorities for the New Year, assuming you want to make changes. If you do, sit down and create a budget. Your tax professional will probably have a downloadable tax planningRead More →

There’s no better time than the holidays to show your employees and your clients how much you appreciate them. Here are five simple steps to help you craft the perfect email in no time. Decide on the Audience and Purpose Before you begin, determine who will be your recipients. For instance, if you’re writing to your team, it will be a bit different than writing to your clients. However, no matter who you are addressing, you’ll probably want to start by expressing your gratitude. After that, you can further refine your message. If it’s to your employees, acknowledging their hard work and dedication is aRead More →